Our apple tree is beginning to feel very spring-like with clusters of white flowers raining “petals of snow” down on the lawn.

And it looks like our blue-tits have settled in the box and hopefully are nesting now. They’re spending a lot of time near the nest, continuing to peck at the hole’s edges and inside the box, and occasionally flitting from branch to branch in the apple blossom.

And (very occasionally) deigning to pose – if all too briefly for us. It is so hard to predict exactly which branch they are going to alight on, and they don’t stay at all long on any, that I’ve only managed to capture a few brief shots of them!

Fingers crossed for little nestlings to arrive soon, and be heard then seen!

Update (28 May 2020) – it seems they probably had already been brooding eggs from a lot earlier than we had realised at this time, and might well have already had very tiny nestlings, perhaps as many as 8-10, hatched in the nest box by this time (pictures above taken 7 May 2020).