Chiz is the author of several books, covering topics from walking and cycling to video.

Cicerone Titles:
Cycling: Cycling in the Peak District Edition 2 is her most recent book published by Cicerone.
It has 21 great routes, covers the whole of the Peak District (including the less well known areas in the north-west around Marsden and the south-west Staffordshire Moorlands). Most of the routes are half to full-day trips of 8-40 miles (15-60km) and are a mix of quiet roads and easier off-road. The finale is the Tour de Peak District route – a multi-day trip with a twist.
Cycling: Cycling in the Cotswolds (Cicerone).
Following on from the success of the Peak District book, this continues the concept of easy off-road mixed with pleasant on-road lanes in the (mostly) gently undulating Cotswolds.
Photography: Outdoor Photography (2nd Edition), is also published by Cicerone. This is a collaboration with the original author Jon Sparks, and is a complete rewrite the original from the ground up. The first part of the book deals with techniques applicable to most outdoors photography, the remainder deals with issues relating to different outdoor adventures – including hill-walking, roped climbing, cycling, caving, kayaking, snorkelling and diving.
Northern Eye Titles:
Walking: Top 10 walks to Tea Shops in the Peak District

This pocket-size guide picks carefully selected cafés across the Peak District — in locations ranging from former stations to community cafés, National Trust properties to hillside farms, and bakeries on town streets to tearooms tucked down alleyways.
Walking: Top 10 walks to Viewpoints in the Peak District
Views are why many of us venture into the hills and countryside in the first place. Nothing beats a sweeping view from a moorland edge or hill, or an arching panorama over a pleasant valley.
This book takes you on short circular walks to 10 of the best in the Peak District.
Walking: Top 10 walks in the Peak District National Park (compilation title, co-autored with Dennis Kelsall).
A compilation title covering 10 of the best short walks in the Peak District
Ammonite Titles:
Video: Understanding HD Video is aimed squarely at photographers making the transition from still to moving images.

Other contributions:
Chiz has contributed both words and images to many other outdoors related books – from AA walking guides, to Dorling Kindersley inspirational cycling guides and Cicerone’s 50th anniversary edition. Her Tour de Peak District long distance cycling route is also featured in Vertebrate Publishing’s “Big Rides” book which highlights the top 25 long-distance cycle rides in the UK and Ireland.
Chiz writes hill-walking routes on a regular basis for Trail Magazine.
Her work has also appeared in TGO, Outdoor Enthusiast, Derbyshire Life, Trek and Mountain, Outdoor Focus (the journal of the Outdoor Writers and Photographers guild). Other publishing clients include the AA, The Ramblers, Carson Dellosa Publishing.
Chiz Dakin’s Peak Images library has a large range of images available to licence. Her work has appeared in many magazines and published books, as well as being used for more corporate purposes.
Gritstone Publishing Co-operative
Chiz Dakin is a founder member of the Gritstone Publishing Co-operative and you can purchase signed copies of her books there. For her sins she looks after their website too!
Inspired by the Peak District
Chiz Dakin is an Inspired by the Peak District Ambassador.
Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild
Chiz Dakin is a member of the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild (OWPG). For her even greater sins, she designed and rebuilt their website in 2019 and continues to manage it.
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Social Stuff
Follow Chiz on Facebook: Chiz Dakin (personal and professional posts). (NB The PeakImages FB page was intended to be a “professional posts only” FB page, but due to FB changes is defunct as it is effectively a less visible duplicate to the personal page.)
Twitter: peakimages (rarely updated – I use FB more than Twitter).
For updates on the Tour de Peak District route and general cycling posts, follow Chiz’s Tour de Peak District page on Facebook: TourdePeakDistrict and Twitter (postings much less frequent than FB) @TourdePeakDist